FREE Daily System Monitoring Removes Risk of Undetected Power Loss
Solarpro designs, installs and monitors your solar system to ensure you get maximum power and electricity savings. Our customers enjoy FREE daily monitoring of their systems remotely from our offices. This ensures that any issue with a customer’s solar system is discovered immediately and can be rectified asap to maintain maximum power production.
Before the introduction of monitoring, if an issue occurred e.g., a wire coming loose, people with roof top solar arrays were not aware of diminished solar power production until they received their electricity bill. By monitoring our customer’s systems we are able to alert them rapidly to any issues. We are also often able to let them know we’ve already resolved the issue with a remote technical solution or started the process to fix it.
Most of our customers choose a SolarEdge optimised system. Included in the system package is our daily monitoring service with a state-of-the-art support desk. Our monitoring service is designed to alert us to any issues. This free service can save hundreds of dollars in lost energy. If a system is not monitored it is common to only find out there is an issue by the size of the next power bill, by then it is too late. This gives our customers total peace of mind.
Maximum Protection with Robust Warranties
Solarpro gives its customers a 10 year Whole of PV System Warranty. This covers labour but importantly it also covers short falls in manufacturers’ warranties. Companies that manufacture racking and fixtures for example, may have warranties of under 10 years.
All solar panels, inverters and batteries we install have industry standard or above warranties. Importantly we research the manufacturers before we select them to reduce the risk of them going out of business and if this were to occur to ensure they are robust enough to stand by their warranties.
Take a look at what our customers say in reviews.
Give us a call to discuss your energy needs and how risk free solar will dramatically reduce your electricity bill.