Beautiful solar is here with innovative building integrated solar panels installed by Solarpro. Specifically designed to have solar become part of the roof, rather than a bolted-on solution.
This product works well for ‘new builds’ and roof renovations where solar panels can be integrated into the roof at the building stage. The panels can also be retrofitted.
Imagine your roof ‘building materials’ being the means of generating renewable energy and lowering your carbon footprint.
Solapro did the first installation in Australia earlier in 2021, which was a replacement of an existing roof-top solar array in favour of the integrated solar panels.
The integrated panels can be optimised with a SolarEdge inverter to maximise power output in the same way we do for a roof-top solar array and we can give you Smart Home options. Likewise we can add a solar storage battery as we would with any other solar power system.

Whether you’re a home renovator, architect or builder this is a cost-effective alternative to traditional roof-top solar arrays where the panels are attached to rails on the roof. The advantage is that it looks like the solar system is an integrated part of your home, so for homes where the aesthetic is a top priority, consider this beautiful solar solution and speak to a Solarpro designer. It is a similar price to a standard solar power system and the solar panels can be optimised for maximum power generation using a SolarEdge inverter.
If you have a slate or old tiled roof, this product may be particularly appealing. It presents an option to strip off tiles that might not support solar panels well and replace them with the building integrated solar panel solution.
The panels were developed by engineers from the UK’s Cambridge University and while new to Australia they have been a big success throughout the UK and Europe since 2014.

With building integrated solar, homeowners, architects and designers have a cost-effective option to the traditional stand out, roof-top system. The embedded rooftop design represents a new generation of solar options.
Roof integrated solar replaces the tiles or slates on the roof, so the panels sit lower down in the roofline to look more like an intended, homogeneous part of the house. The embedded rooftop design represents a new generation of affordable and visually stunning solar options. The solar panels are high performance, and the look is integrated and sleek. Adding features such as roof windows are also an option.
This solar installation method removes the need to drill into existing roofing while providing sleek, attractive, efficient performance that makes your home stand out.
While the aesthetic benefits of roof integration for solar are clear, there are other benefits from going in-roof. They are:
Roof integrated solar panels can be installed easily in a new and existing roof. Our solar specialists can fix the panels and flashings before the roofing contractors fix the roof covering around them.
In case your roof needs tile replacement of maintenance, with roof integrated solar, there are no tiles behind the panels, so all roofing repairs can be carried out while leaving the solar system in place.
Solar panels fixed above the roof, can on rare occasions offer a sheltered area for possums or vermin to nest. With integrated solar this is impossible.
Can I use other brand panels with the integrated solar flashing kits?
Unfortunately you cannot use other branded panels as the panels are specially designed for the flashing kits. Their design lets them attach seamlessly providing a visually pleasing slimline appearance, high strength, and most importantly a watertight solution. Therefore, our integrated solution depends on the correct flashing kit and panels being combined.
Is the integrated solar solution stronger than a standard solar install?
Being integrated means it is part of the building, rather than a bolt on above. Each panel is deeper (69mm) than on roof panels (which are usually 30-40mm deep) with specially designed reinforcing for extra strength. They are built tough. As the side of the panel framing is at least 50% deeper than standard panels, we would argue that the integrated solution is most likely a bit stronger than standard solar installs.
Can integrated solar it be used on flat roofs?
Unfortunately the current solution will not work on a flat roof. The integrated solar solution has been designed, installed and tested for roofs with an angle of between 20-60 degrees. It has not been designed for a flat roof installation. The reason is that the system has inbuilt gutters for channelling water away and maintaining a waterproof integrity. A flat roof would not allow the water to run away as per the design, meaning the water could pool, leave dirt remnants behind and cause issues in decades to come.
Can the solar integrated solution be installed on Colourbond roofs?
Right now as per Q3, 2021 the solutions are available for tile roofs. In some instances as trials, the system has been installed on metal roofs. Instructions for fixing are in development and are expected be finalised in late 2021, at which point Colourbond roofs over 20 degree angle will be a suitable choice for solar installation.
Can the integrated solar solution be installed on slate roofs?
Yes the system is designed to work on slate roofs, and has been installed on slate roofs in many locations around the world.
What about the dangers of hail?
Our special integrated panels were tested and passed a hail test as required by the Australian Standards where ice balls of 25mm were fired at the glass surface at 23m/s. They will survive the most common hailstorms in the country.
Australia is a hot climate. What temperature are they rated to?
Clearline fusion tested and passed a thermal cycling test from -40oC to +85oC as part of the IEC 61215.
What performance can I expect?
This would depend on too many factors like location, angle, and orientation. Plus, if you have shading and other components that could determine the results of a system installed.
What is the manufacturing process of the panels?
The panels are high performance monocrystalline silicon solar photovoltaic panels.
The panels are manufactured with half cut cells which means the module efficiency can be enhanced because when a PV cell is cut in half, it produces half as much current and one fourth as much resistance–this is considered a reliable, cost effective method in increasing the module power.
The String arrangement of these half-cut cells makes the panels more tolerant to shade. In addition, with a lower current in the half-cut cells, there is less damage in hot spots. The physically smaller cells can be more averse to cracking too.
They also have a black backing which improves the aesthetics of the panels. The All-black appearance blends in well with most roofing materials and is considered more visually appealing.
Integrated flashing and fixing system that creates a roof that fits directly to battens and rafters.
The flashing kits are made from high quality galvanised steel brackets, aluminium, and lead aprons. The coating on the flashing is made of PVDF layer which provides maximum protection against the elements including UV.
The system is designed to fit your roof and appropriate flashing kits are automatically calculated.
The system can also integrate with selected Velux skylights with a specific flashing kit with more being developed. Please check availability with Solarpro.
The system is watertight when installed correctly by a trained and certified Installer such as Solarpro.
In windy areas there is no noise generated from the wind going under the panels like can occur with above roof systems. Importantly Wind tests indicate that the uplift resistance of our system at 5320 Pa is typically double the negative pressure of most standard modules tested to IEC 61215 at 2400Pa.In laymen’s terms our panels would be able to withstand wind forces twice as strong as many standard modules.
How can I be sure its waterproof?
The system has been tested and passed the CEN TR15601 (Test D) by an independent test house BBA. The volume of water was to simulate a rainfall rate of 225 mm/hour over a roof length of 5 metres. It was also tested and passed the gutter flooding test which was conducted internally. The volume of water was 5 folds of the above test. In other words, 225 mm/hour over a roof length of 25 metres (or equivalent to 1125mm/hour over a roof length of 5 metres).
Does it cost more?
Most of the time if you only compare the materials on an above roof system versus an integrated system it can be moderately cheaper. However, if you compare lifetime costs such as, maintenance with roof coverings or roof tiles below having leaks, bird issues then the cost is equivalent. One of the big plusses of course is the appearance of the home, especially when it comes time to sell your house, and that’s when the integrated solution starts to shine.
How long do they last?
Our panel and flashings have a product warranty of 10 years. However, our previous solar system using similar materials was tested by the BBA. The system was believed to have a lifetime warranty similar to a roof tile which is approx. 40+ years.
Are my solar panels insured if they are damaged in a storm?
Most solar energy systems are covered in standard insurance policies and are generally considered a permanent fixture or attachment to your property. We suggests that you check with your insurer to determine the specifics of the policy. In some instances, you may need to increase the amount of coverage that you have. Due to the design of the Clearline fusion system and very high-test results, it is likely your roof tiles would be damaged before the system gets damaged in an extreme weather event. A useful website that has been developed by the Insurance Council of Australia is
Does the integrated solar system put extra weight and pressure on my roof?
Each panel weighs around 21 kg. Whilst your roof needs to be structurally sound and meet Australia standards, the system places less pressure on your roof than above roof systems. Above roof systems means your roof will have to hold the weight of the colourbond, tiles , slate plus the weight of the soalr system racking and the panels. In our solution the weight is reduces, therefore causing less static long term pressure on your roof. Think of it as a solar roof rather than solar on your roof.
Do Government Rebates apply to the Roof Integrated Solar Solution?
The full Government rebates apply to our solar solution. Many state and territory as well as the Federal Government provide subsidies to support the uptake of solar. The roof Integrated solar system has achieved Clean Energy Council (CEC) accreditation and thus is eligible for rebate assistance. Check with your CEC accredited retailer/ installer as they will be able to claim the rebates on your behalf thereby reducing the price of your system.