8kW Building Integrated Solar Power System

Sydney’s North Shore is well known for leafy treelined streets and elegant designer homes.
When my neighbour and I decided to upgrade our homes with solar we wanted a system that complemented the aesthetic appeal of our homes and would generate ample power under sunny, cloudy and shaded conditions. The system had to be high performance and add to the look and value of our homes as we viewed the panels from our gardens. I already had a rack mounted panel system and didn’t appreciate the roof sight lines. I wanted something integrated and sleek.
SOllOS is an aesthetically pleasing and performant panel system. Solarpro recommended the panels be matched with an inverter and optimisers from SolarEdge to dynamically maximise the solar performance of each panel and reduce and manage the voltage generated within the roof. The optimisers reduce the voltage from each panel to 1.1v and thereby reduce the voltage from a string of panels to 10-15 volts. Very safe and performant.
The installation team quickly removed the existing tiles from the roof in the areas the panels would go and securely fixed the SOllOS panels to the battens. The optimisers were securely located with easy access from the roof. The SOllOS solar system includes specialised flashings for each panel type to ensure complete water proofing for the roof. The system was designed by engineers from Cambridge University in the UK and includes five simple flashing modules, each colour coded, and securely fastened via watertight gaskets to the panels. The panels have been tested and proven to withstand high winds – being secured to the battens, they aren’t going to move – fires and hail.
While this helps us as owners sleep at night, it’s the performance and sleek design lines that make the daylight hours well worth the investment.
While the panels, inverter, optimisers and wiring were comparable to rack mounted systems, the cost of replacing existing roof tiles made these systems a more expensive than a rack mounted system. We felt that investing a bit more for installation gave the system an integrated look and feel and was well worth the effort.
Sustainability for us was more than energy savings, it was also in creating a sustainable design that integrated with the architecture of our homes.
The next step for myself and my neighbour will be to install the new SolarEdge battery and an EV charger to take advantage of the excess power being generated and reduce consumption from the grid during the evenings. We felt that Solarpro’s attention to design and installation detail delivered outstanding solar outcomes for our homes.
Outcomes that we appreciate every time we look at our rooflines and energy bills.
If you are planning a rebuild, roof renovation or would like to look into doing a retrofit give us a call.