How Solar Storage Batteries Make Money

how solar storage batteries make money

Start thinking about making real money from solar – remember the benefits from high feed-in tariffs?! Solar storage batteries do much more than keep the lights on at night.  Used smartly as part of a ‘Home Energy System’  (Solar Panels, Battery and Appliances all working together) they can not only reduce your electricity bills but be a powerful addition to our electricity grid.

Yes, you save money by charging the battery during daylight and discharging later in the day – using more of your own energy and load-shifting. Your ‘Home Energy System’ or ‘Mini Power Station’ can do a lot more.

Making Money Using Solar Storage Battery Systems

We are often asked if home and small business generators of solar power will ever make money from it as was possible with high feed-in tariffs.  The answer is yes.  The amount of money is uncertain, but there are opportunities opening up and there could be more. Virtual Power Plants already exist and are increasing.  Here are some things to consider:

Sell Home Solar Power to Energy Companies

The wholesale price of electricity goes up when demand is high.  This often happens within seconds and is called spiking. To remain profitable many of our power stations only run when prices ‘spike’.  It’s happening within seconds and the money involved is high. They need power sources that are fast to start-up.  Well set-up home solar/battery systems can switch to ‘export mode’ quicker than gas, diesel and hydro.  Progressive energy companies are already buying solar from people with solar storage systems rather than just from power stations.  This is only going to increase and become more competitive in prices that are offered.

Be Paid to Reduce Consumption at Peak Times

Companies that manufacture and maintain Electricity Poles and Wires have to ensure they don’t overload and melt during peak electricity generation times.  This is very costly for them and they have begun to offer money to customers who reduce consumption at peak times.  This is precisely what solar storage batteries can do and is another revenue source for people with solar and battery systems.  A smart home solar storage system can also push energy back up the electricity wire to keep it cool. This is only the beginning!

Become Part of Australia’s ‘Ancillary Market’

Power stations that are capable of rapidly detecting and correcting frequency deviations between electricity generation and customer use are part of an Ancillary Market.  They are extremely important to our electricity system because if the amount of electricity being pushed into the system is out of balance with the amount of energy consumers take out a ‘black-out’ can occur. These power stations detect and correct in seconds.  A smart solar storage battery system is very, very good at detecting these frequency deviations and responding rapidly.  They could provide a more reliable, balanced grid using renewable energy.

To fully benefit from the possibilities with your solar storage system relies on good optimisation software.  This is where it is important to select the correct storage battery and system size and where Solarpro experts can help.  We do not use the word experts lightly.  We have been through assessment, training and accreditation by the World’s best solar storage battery manufacturers including sonnen and Tesla. Talk to us about installing a smart ‘Home Energy System’ in your home or business.  We have a wide range of options to suit all needs and budgets.  We typically provide Three Quote options.

The home in the photograph is using the very smart, World leading, sonnenBatterie recently installed by Solarpro as part of its Home Energy System.